Saturday, January 22, 2011

Testosterone Levels decline over the past 20 years....

"We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need."
Masculinity is under attack is America. The rise of feminism has not only make it acceptable for women to be more promiscuous but also ultimately made men more feminine. Queer eye for the straight guy anyone? No offense to feminists but can we get back to letting men be men? Testosterone has declined on average 1 percent per year for the last 20 years, am I the only one who sees the correlation between the rise of feminism and the drop in testosterone? Think about it. How has feminism changed the America? Why are more and more children growing up in broken homes? You take the father out of the scenario and have a young boy only raised by women.... What happens when there's no father figure? Why has there been a sudden boom in divorces over the last 20 or 30 years? Has feminism somehow effected divorce laws? 

Further reading here. Fantastic article,  should be required reading for all men.
.   The Misandry Bubble
If the decline of man continues, is this where we are heading?

Testosterone Levels decline over past two decades


  1. FIght club ftw. Follow me, its just a random blog.

  2. Following you brah. Thanks for the comment.

  3. I been taking Triazole lately. it helps

  4. need some cell tech up in this. good start.
    follow back brah

  5. No surprises here. Have you seen twillight and Glee? Followed

  6. Fucking media...
    Hit me back brahh

  7. probably has a lot to do with the Standard American Diet. check out my blog @

  8. aware bro. I love fight club. One of the most important movies in my life. Following bro.

    Hit me back:

  9. Great line form fight club. I agree with you mostly on the other points

  10. HRT is the answer!

    your friend,

  11. I love fight club. And I love the movie children of men.
    And, I like your blog.
    I'm following.

  12. so... is the solution to raise kids by gay male parents? :p

  13. I think the solution is to take away the INCENTIVE for women to break the bond of marriage that has been brought on due to feminism. Read the "Misandry Bubble" link I posted. Excellent article, and I've felt for the past 5 years or so that marriage is going out of style.

  14. The fact that we are consuming massive levels of hormones in our meat and water result in lower levels of testosterone. Girls are affected as well, as they are hitting puberty at younger ages. Please, lower levels have nothing to do with feminist theory, they are a result of poorly regulated food and water. Do some research before you blame the ills of humanity on feminism like every other overly sensitive undereducated bro on the internet. Ah but what do I expect from a jock?
